Bozo Sapien Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr
From Denny: This Cajun joke is in dialect and so I put a few translations behind some of the questionable words for readers for whom English is a second language.
Thibodaux marches up to Beaudreaux’s front porch and wraps (knocks) hard on the door so, of course, Beaudreaux opens it to greet his friend.
Thibodaux say, “Beaudreaux! How long we ban frands?” (been friends)
Beaudreaux say, “Well, all our lives Thibodeaux.”
Thibodaux say, “Why don’t you told me you gotta boat?”
Beaudreaux say, “I ain't gotta boat!”
Thibodaux say, “Da’ sign say: 'BOAT FOR SALE.'"
Beaudreaux say, "Oh, no, Thibodaux!” See dat old ‘72 Ford
pick 'em up truck over dare?” (over there)
Thibodaux say, “yas, I see dat old pick 'em up truck” (pick-up truck)
Beaudreaux say, “See dat ‘76 Cheverloet Ce-dan?” (sedan)
Thibodaux say, “yas, I see dat Ce-dan.”
Beaudreaux say, “Well, dey boat for sale (they are both for sale)
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